Fullmetal Philosophy
Fullmetal Philosophy
Values and Your Higher Self

Values and Your Higher Self

"If you want to get to the next level in life,  your values are going to have to change."

It's so easy to get caught up in the negative mindset and habits of the world around us but even if we can't separate ourselves physically we can do so mentally and spiritually.

Taking time to be alone is great for introspective work and figuring out who you are and want to be but the real test is being able to be that person when others are around, especially those with negative mindsets and habits. If you don't take the time to learn what you truly value in life you will find it difficult to navigate through troubled times amongst troubled people while continuing to become the best version of yourself that you envision.

Every lie we tell and scandal we take part of becomes a part of our identity and it's tempting to fall into this way of being since it's easier than taking the high road and standing separate from the crowd. We fear standing out and being crucified for attempting to live a life of virtue. We also worry about losing the circle we've kept for so long if we begin to change. But the great thing to keep in mind is that once our values do begin to change and we start becoming our better selves, we will begin to attract healthier people and healthier relationships. 

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Fullmetal Philosophy
Fullmetal Philosophy
Welcome to Fullmetal Philosophy where we explore the depths of the human experience to inspire growth, resilience, and the pursuit of purpose. My mission is to empower and inspire individuals to embrace self-development, cultivate a growth mindset, and build resilience. Together we can foster a strong, upright, and healthy society where the weak are uplifted, and everyone thrives in the pursuit of their purpose.